Gender Talks: Chien-Juh Gu: Rethinking Gender and Immigration: A Feminist Standpoint Approach, 20.03.2025


An exciting talk about the role of gender and immigration by the new fulbright fellow Dr. Chien-Juh Gu at the University of Vienna.

Location: Institut für Soziologie, Seminarraum 2, Rooseveltplatz 2, 1090 Wien, 1st floor

The central role of gender in immigration has been widely recognized, yet several challenges remain that hinder the advancement of gender scholarship in immigration research. For instance, women are primarily studied as wives and mothers, while men are studied as individuals, thereby overlooking women’s subjectivities and selfhood. Moreover, the theorization of gender has achieved limited success, and the methods for conducting intersectional analysis remain unclear. In this talk, Dr. Gu introduces a new approach that integrates standpoint feminism and sociological social psychology, aiming to overcome these challenges. A case study will be used to demonstrate how this framework can be applied to empirical research. 

Dr. Chien-Juh Gu is Fulbright-University of Vienna Visiting Professor of Social Sciences and Professor of Sociology at Western Michigan University in the United States. She specializes in gender, social psychology, immigration, and health. Gu is the author of The Resilient Self: Gender, Immigration, and Taiwanese Americans (Rutgers University, 2018) and Mental Health among Taiwanese Americans: Gender, Immigration, and Transnational Struggles (LFB. 2006). Her recent research examines the social adaptation of Burmese Christian Refugees in Michigan. Gu is working on a new project that examines women’s resistance against the overtreatment of breast cancer in the United States.

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