Course types

As part of the MA Gender Studies, you will attend lectures (Vorlesungen, VO), lectures with exercises (Vorlesungen mit Übungen, VU), exercises (Übungen, UE) and seminars (Seminare, SE).

There is a basic distinction between courses with continuous assessment (prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen – VU, UE and SE) and courses with non-continuous assessment (nicht prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen – VO).

  • course with continuous assessment (prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung; pi): Assessment in courses with continuous assessment (seminars, exercises and lectures with exercises) is based on two or more verbal and or written tasks that, together, lead to the final grade. Attendance in courses with continuous assessment is usually mandatory. If you take such a course and cannot complete it successfully, you have to re-take the entire course.
  • course with non-continuous assessment (nicht prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung; npi): With courses with non-continous assessment (such as lectures [VO]), attendance is not mandatory. Grading is usually based on a single exam at the end of the semester (with additional exam dates in the next semester).

The course types you will encounter within the MA Gender Studies are:

  • Lectures (VO) introduce the broad range of trans- and interdisciplinary approaches, topics and interfaces in Gender Studies. They provide an overview of theoretical-methodological linkages as well as applications. Lectures are courses with non-continuous assessment (see the ABC of terminology): grading is usually based on an oral or written final exam.
    There is no limit to how many students can participate in a lecture.
  • Lectures with exercises (VU) combine lectures and other forms of input on current debates by lecturerers with students’ being instructed in engaging with the course topics themselves. Lectures with exercises are courses with continuous assessment (see the ABC of terminology): grading is based on oral and/or written contributions over the course of the semester and, sometimes, a final exam.
    There is a limit of 50 students that can participate in a lecture with exercises.
  • In exercises (UE), students expand, deepen and independently work with a corpus of material. They engage with theoretical concepts and are supported didactically in learning to work academically. Exercises are courses with continuous assessment (see the ABC of terminology): grading is based on assignments such as peer teaching, oral and/or written presentations and creative/activist final projects.
    There is a limit of 25 students that can participate in an exercise.
  • In seminars (SE), students engage deeply with theories, methods and research approaches and, where applicable, apply methodological and theoretical perspectives. They engage in interactive academic discussions. Seminars are courses with continuous assessment (see the ABC of terminology): grading is based on oral and written presentations and contributions to discussions as well as a written seminar paper. The Thesis Workshop (Masterseminar) is intended to support students in their work on their theses in regards to theories and methodologies; this happens with the support of lecturers as well as in peer discussions.
    There is a limit of 25 students that can participate in a seminar.

As part of Compulsory Module 3 (Individual Specialisation), students can take courses that are offered by Directorates of Studies other than Gender Studies (see the curriculum). Depending on the programme you take courses in, there might be different course types from the ones listed here.

Additionally, as part of Compulsory Module 3 (Individual Specialisation), students can do an internship (Prakikum, PR) : further information on internships.