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The University of Vienna is a legal entity under public law in accordance with section 4 of the 2002 Universities Act. In accordance with section 20 of the 2002 Universities Act, the senior governing bodies of the University of Vienna are the University Board, the Rectorate, the Rector and the Senate.
Basic purpose of the website
Providing information about the affairs of the University of Vienna to the public.
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Responsibility for contents and editing
Gender Research Office | StudiesServiceUnit Gender Studies
Campus of the University of Vienna
Spitalgasse 2-4, Court 1.11
1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-18452
Inquiries related to the study programme:
General inquiries:
Office hours
during the term:Tuesday, 2–4 PM and on request
Zoom appointments are available on request
During the lecture-free periods, we are available via email.
Please adhere to the current COVID-19 rules at the University of Vienna.
More information on the library at the Gender Research Office
You can find the form for ordering scans here: Digitisation